LOWDOWN Winter 2015 page 36

12th July 2015 Hounds attended: 35

Regular attendees always greatly look forward to this yearly event. Jill and Brian work so hard to generously host this barbecue, which is always delicious.

The Water Lane car park, which serves this walk, quickly filled with members’ vehicles - and everyone seemed eager to begin the walk.

The plan was to meet up with Jill and Brian at a clearing beyond the initial ascent from the car park onto Downland, which was rather steep. Excited, barking hounds announced our approach.

The group followed its normal route at this venue which is a richly varied landscape - woodland; open Downland; and a climb up a hillock which gave us views of some marvellous landscapes. This is such a beautiful part of West Sussex.

This elevated position is where I traditionally take a group photograph - the stone seat built here providing a welcome opportunity to have a short break.

As the image shows, conditions were dull and grey; most of us had weather- gear, but as you see, Lainey braved the elements bare-armed.

After a short respite we descended and crossed a large clearing which gave those hounds not on leads the chance to playfully chase each other.

It was great fun to watch.

Then it was along the track through the trees and back to the car park.

Here, arrangements were made for everyone to get to Brian’s home in motor convoy.

At Brian and Jill’s rain clouds were threatening, but Brian and Chris fired-up the barbecues, optimistic that sausages and steaks would be grilled and not steamed.

Chris accidentally dislodged a homemade repair covering a rusted-through hole at the base of one of the barbecues. This caused glowing charcoal to shower ono the wood-chipped ground, scattering the assembled Basset Hound spectators.

A potentially dramatic pyrotechnic display was easily averted; though with practice, I'm sure Chris and Brian could develop this into a very enjoyable Laurel and Hardy tribute act.

I know I'd pay good money to see it!

It began to drizzle rain just as the meats were ready, and the less hardy members and hounds retreated indoors. Here, we relished the lovely lunch.

Afterwards, our hosts served some lovely coffee and tea to the huddled masses, as we chatted and enjoyed each others company. It was late in the afternoon when the party broke up and headed home.

Many thanks, Jill and Brian, this was a lovely day.

Lowdown Winter 2015

Regular attendees always greatly look forward to this yearly event. Jill and Brian work so hard to generously host this barbecue, which is always delicious.

The Water Lane car park, which serves this walk, quickly filled with members’ vehicles - and everyone seemed eager to begin the walk.

The plan was to meet up with Jill and Brian at a clearing beyond the initial ascent from the car park onto Downland, which was rather steep. Excited, barking hounds announced our approach.

The group followed its normal route at this venue which is a richly varied landscape - woodland; open Downland; and a climb up a hillock which gave us views of some marvellous landscapes. This is such a beautiful part of West Sussex.

This elevated position is where I traditionally take a group photograph - the stone seat built here providing a welcome opportunity to have a short break.

As the image shows, conditions were dull and grey; most of us had weather- gear, but as you see, Lainey braved the elements bare-armed.

After a short respite we descended and crossed a large clearing which gave those hounds not on leads the chance to playfully chase each other.

It was great fun to watch.

Then it was along the track through the trees and back to the car park.

Here, arrangements were made for everyone to get to Brian’s home in motor convoy.

At Brian and Jill’s rain clouds were threatening, but Brian and Chris fired-up the barbecues, optimistic that sausages and steaks would be grilled and not steamed.

Chris accidentally dislodged a homemade repair covering a rusted-through hole at the base of one of the barbecues. This caused glowing charcoal to shower ono the wood-chipped ground, scattering the assembled Basset Hound spectators.

A potentially dramatic pyrotechnic display was easily averted; though with practice, I'm sure Chris and Brian could develop this into a very enjoyable Laurel and Hardy tribute act.

I know I'd pay good money to see it!

It began to drizzle rain just as the meats were ready, and the less hardy members and hounds retreated indoors. Here, we relished the lovely lunch.

Afterwards, our hosts served some lovely coffee and tea to the huddled masses, as we chatted and enjoyed each others company. It was late in the afternoon when the party broke up and headed home.

Many thanks, Jill and Brian, this was a lovely day.

Lowdown Winter 2015

first published in LOWDOWN

editor Tony Roberts